Catholic Identity


There are two dimensions to Religion experiences in Brisbane Catholic Education schools: Religious Education and the Religious Life of the School. 

The Religious Education component outlines the mandated expectations for all students with the Brisbane Catholic Education sector and has been approved by Archbishop Coleridge.  Sacred Heart Parish School Booval has recently had our curriculum validated. Each Year level has detailed learning experiences that address all content descriptors in short cycle unit plans that are revised each year in response to student needs.

The Vision for Religious Education challenges students to be a religious voice in the world. The Vision gives greater prominence and a renewed orientation to the critical interpretation and evaluation of culture. Through vibrant and engaging Religious Education, students become active constructors of culture rather than passive consumers. In this way, students are challenged to live the gospel of Jesus Christ in their everyday lives.

Religious Education seeks to develop the religious literacy of students considering the Catholic Christian tradition, so that they might participate critically and authentically in contemporary culture. Students become religiously literate as they develop the knowledge, skills and dispositions to interpret and use language confidently in and for faith contexts and the wider society.

The Religious Life of the School encompasses the second dimension of Religious Education, commonly referred to as “teaching people to be religious in a particular way" (Moran, 1991). 

The Religious Life of the School P-12 comprises four interrelated components: Religious Identity and Culture; Evangelisation and Faith Formation; Prayer and Worship; and Social Action and Justice. Each of these components, while mutually reinforcing, provides a significant focus on a distinctive aspect of the religious life of the school.   The school provides time for the students to come together as a class and as a whole school during Liturgies, Masses and Prayer Assemblies. 

Parents are actively encouraged to join their children at each of these prayer opportunities. We also offer opportunities outside of class time for the students to come along in their own time to share their talents in order to benefit others through fundraising events or prayer.