School Technology iPad Program

​​​Sacred Heart School provides a technology-rich environment to support students with their learning. Technology is integrated across the curriculum, supporting students learning within the digital world in which we live.

The Australian Curriculum describes specific knowledge, understanding and skills about technology and its use in ways that are interactive, multimodal, and provide flexibility across contexts and audiences.  Ways to use, share, develop and communicate with ICT are named within the content of individual Learning Areas of the curriculum. The use of ICT is integrated across all Learning Areas through the ICT General Capability. 

Students at Sacred Heart participate in a 1:1 iPad Program from Years 1 to 6.  Each student will be issued with a school-owned iPad for their educational use whilst enrolled at the school. Students in Prep have access to iPad at a ratio of 1:2.

Our 1:1 program for Years 1-6 emphasises the iPad as a learning tool to foster and promote students’ capacity to collaborate, share information and experiences, work across the domains of the curriculum and be self-directed in their learning. The program is guided by teachers whose skill and​ expertise ensure that the curriculum is delivered in an engaging manner relevant to the 21st-century learner.  ​

Our devices

The school purchases the iPads​, and parents pay the costs over three​ years. The levy covers the cost of the case, applications and service support.

For your child to have to access their device:
  • parents must sign the 1:1 Device Program Consent Form
  • parents go through the 1:1 Device Program Policy with their child
  • device levy must be paid​

The role of the School

The school provides leadership (vision, planning and management) to ensure that the 1:1 Device Program is driven by an educational imperative, focusing on successful learning outcomes and supporting its vision for learning. School leadership will work with teachers to create contemporary learning environments that allow students to learn.  This will include engaging teachers in continuous learning to enhance their professional practice.  As with all aspects of learning, the school values parent and community engagement and the important role in achieving successful outcomes.  The school plans for and manages the technical environment and functional aspects, including security, to ensure the program's success.

The role of the Student

Students understand that the primary purpose of the 1:1 Device Program is to support their learning. Students use technology to investigate, collaborate and communicate safely and responsibly that reflects good digital citizenship.

The role of Parents/Caregivers

Parents/Caregivers are the first educators of their children and have a vital role in their child's learning.  Working in partnership with the school will help to ensure the success of the 1:1 Device Program.  Parents have an important role in their child's co-education about issues related to the care of technology and its safe and responsible use.  Parent/Caregivers support the school by maintaining an active interest in their child's learning, including understanding how technology is being used to support learning in the classroom and at home, as well as meeting financial obligations associated with the program. 

Loss or Damage 

If the iPad is lost, stolen or damaged, the student must report it to their classroom teacher as soon as practical, during school hours. School iPads can be tracked and deactivated if needed. If theft and accidental damage occur at school, the forms are completed through the school. If loss or theft occurs outside of the school, parents/guardians must inform the police immediately. The Police Event Number will be required to​ complete the required paperwork.​​